Stepping into the unknown is always a bit scary. There’s this new lingo to learn and a whole culture that you can be a part of. We want to make sure that everyone who walks through our doors feels welcome and comfortable. Here's everything you need to know about being a dance parent at Le Rose Dance Academy!
First, if you have never been to our studio, we would love it if you paid us a visit! We would love to show you around the studio, introduce you to some of our staff, and answer any questions you have about the dance world. Feel free to stop by anytime during our business hours. Some nights will be busier than others, so if you'd like, you can give us a heads-up by calling or emailing.
We also recommend that you check out our ABOUT page and our Handbook for more detailed information about our studio.
And finally... Like and follow us on social media! This is the best way to stay in the loop for all studio happenings. We offer several events during the season, and you don't even need to be registered for the season to participate. We also highly recommend downloading our Le Rose Dance Academy app from your app store.
If you have registered with us, and this is your very first season here, keep on reading to know what to expect:​

To make the flow of traffic safe for our dancers we ask that all vehicles bringing dancers to class follow these directions.
When pulling in make an immediate right and drive behind the building and around to our main entrance to park, drop off or pick up dancers.
Please watch for dancers who are entering and exiting the building.
Do not park in the Handicap spaces.
You may park in the parking lot directly across from us.
Do not park on the sides of either building, behind the buildings or in front of the storage unit entry gates.
Do not block the flow of traffic.
You must be parked in a designated parking spot. Do not park in the grass.
We ask that you please do not bring extra people with you if possible. The first month or two will be very busy in the studio. Noise volume needs to stay quiet in the lobby so that dancers are not disturbed in their classes and the office staff can answer the phone and questions. Please be patient and make sure to ask if you have any questions.

August is the only month your fees are pro-rated. Normal pay will start in September with monthly fees due by the 5th of each month and late fees added on the 6th of each month. Auto pay from September to June will be run on the 5th of the month unless the 5th falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Then it will be run on the following Monday. If you need a different payment structure you must speak with the Office Manager to set it up in the system.
Our focus is to keep our dancers and staff safe and healthy so we can keep our doors open. If your dancer is not feeling well, please do not come to class.
If they are:
running a fever or have run a fever in the past 24 hours
thrown up in the past 24 hours
have or had diarrhea
not feeling well, lethargic, not acting like themselves
have a rash
have a cough
runny nose
were sent home from school
have been contact traced or in contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive
Call the studio or send an email to let us know your dancer will not be attending class.

Wearing a mask is NOT mandatory. Parents can make the decision for the dancer to wear or not wear a mask to class. We have several hanging sanitizer stations.
What if my child is crying?
It is developmentally appropriate for a child to cry the first few classes, working through a challenging skill, or struggling with a new concept. Sometimes it takes dancers up to four or five classes to feel comfortable and settled in their new environment. When new things are difficult, big emotions can take over. If your child is upset, the teacher will assess the situation and may hold their hand, pick them up, or have them sit down by the wall for their safety. They will continuously be invited back to join the fun. If the teacher sees your child is ill or uncontrollably upset, the teacher will bring them out to you. If you open the studio door, peek in, or enter the classroom, you will not only escalate the situation, but you will increase the distraction for the other children in the class. Thank you for your cooperation.
Helpful Hints:
Do not make class a big deal. This often creates anxiety.
Let them walk into the studio.
Short, sweet, and simple - when it is time for class have a quick hug and kiss and let them go into the dance room on their own.
If the entry way into the dance room is crowded with parents this tends to make dancers uneasy.
Let the teacher and assistants carry the child into the dance room if necessary.
Please allow them to stay in the room if they are crying. The teacher will bring them to you if needed.
Do not open the dance room door and interrupt class.
Sitting is okay! The teacher or assistant holding them is okay! This is new to them. They are watching and still learning how it is all going to work.
Remember, this is a new environment, new faces and a new adult giving directions. We need to be able to make them feel safe and secure with us. Our teachers are trained to handle these situations.
My child cries on the way to dance class but seems to enjoy class once we arrive. What should I do?
There could be many reasons why your child says they do not want to go to dance class. In our experience, it’s usually not “going to dance class” that is the reason for the tears, especially if they enjoy themselves once they get into class. Rather, it’s a change in routine. This could happen with a big move, a new baby in the family, starting daycare/school, or the simple fact that they may be hungry or tired. Communicate with the teacher so they can evaluate the dancer in class to see if there are certain skills or concepts the child may be struggling with that could be causing the push back. After speaking together and deciding what could be causing the tears, a clearer understanding will appear, and a plan can be put into place. Communication is key.
Why is my child sitting/standing and watching instead of participating?
How a child participates in class depends on their unique style of learning, everyone processes information differently. Therefore, every dance class “looks” different because the dynamics of the children’s learning styles differ. Your child may be a visual learner. A visual learner will watch the teacher and classmates carefully to process the information being taught. Your child may be an auditory learner. An auditory learner listens carefully to process information. Visual and auditory learners may not move as much as kinesthetic learners. These learners process information by moving and doing. To avoid distraction in class, and for the safety of those who are attentive with their listening and watching skills, the teacher may ask them to stand or sit to the side. Rest assured, they will be invited to move with the class often and they are still learning. In fact, the visual and auditory learners often take what they see and hear and re-enact the entire dance class at home with their families! All learning styles are accepted, celebrated, and developmentally appropriate.
Don’t give up if…
Dancer walks into the studio independently
Dancer participates when they are invited to join an activity
The teacher gives them a job and they do it
Dancer watches the teacher or participating children during class
Dancer takes a prop when given
Dancer cries but also participates
Dancer stops crying for a certain activity
Dancer observes other classes with excitement
Dancer talks about dance in the car or at home
Dancer dances and does class activities at home
Parents are supportive about working with teacher during separation process
Maybe needs a change if…
Crying on the way to dance class does not end after 4-5 weeks
Teacher has to take them from parent’s arms after 4-5 weeks
Dancer seems sleepy and irritable due to time of class (naptime, end of day)
Crying and no participation during the entire class does not end after 5-6 weeks
Dancer hits or kicks the teacher, assistant, or other students
Dancer runs for the door and tries to exit studio after 4-5 weeks
Dancer is distracting or upsetting other students in class after 4-5 weeks
Attendance is not consistent
Change could be…
Class on a different day or time of class
A Dance and Play class with parent participation
More time before dancer tries class again
*Please note this is intended as a guide. Every child is different and should be evaluated individually.
My child is advanced for their age, can they dance with older children?
To create an ideal learning environment for all children, age groups are taught separately to ensure proper instruction at each stage of development, just like academic schools. With less of a range of development stages in the classroom, the teacher can focus on the needs of each individual student no matter their skill set. Please do not put our staff in the position of offering preferential treatment by placing your child in a class not intended for them. We strive to treat all families equally and request respect in our decision making as we have your child’s best interest at the forefront of those decisions.
What should we do if we are late for class?
Being late for class is going to happen, and it’s ok! Oftentimes rushing to get to class on time can cause a child to become anxious or upset. If this sounds like your child it’s important to reassure them that they will not be in trouble and it’s okay to be late sometimes. When you arrive, remain calm. Don’t forget hugs and kisses before quietly sending your child into class. To avoid off-task behavior for the rest of the students, it is best to enter between songs or activities. If you are unable to consistently arrive on time, please speak with us to find a class that is more suitable to your schedule.
What do I do if we need to leave class early?
Please let the teacher know before class starts and then kindly remind/ask the Office Manager that you need your child early and they will get your child out of class.
Studio Handbook
If you did not receive a Le Rose Dance Academy Handbook for the season, make sure to pick one up in the lobby. Books are located outside of the office, or you can ask our Office Manager and she can get one for you. This handbook is full of information that you need to know.
Studio App
Please download the Le Rose Dance Academy app on your phone. This is a great way for us to communicate information to you and for you to stay in the loop!
You will receive several emails from us throughout the dance season. If September comes around and you have not received an email, check your spam, and check in with the front desk to make sure we have it entered correctly.
What do dancers need to wear?
All dancers must wear dance leotard and tights to class with hair in a ponytail or bun. Hip Hop dancers can wear street clothes, no jeans, and clean, non-skid marking tennis shoes. If dancer has short hair make sure bangs and sides are secured away from the dancer’s face. No baggy clothes! Proper dance shoes are needed for class. Dancers should arrive with dance clothes on, and hair done. Dancer’s name should be written on the inside of each dance shoe and in all belongings (dance bag, jacket, water bottle). Do not bring “extra” items to class like iPad’s, toys, jewelry, extra clothing etc. LRDA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
LRDA can order dance shoes, tights, leotards, and dance bags for you. Please check out our merchandise area in the lobby. We can also size and order dance shoes. Items typically arrive in one week and can be picked up at the studio.
Add/Change/Drop a Class
We have several classes available for you to join. Let us know if you are interested in adding a class. We ask that dancers stay in a class for at least one month before changing or dropping out. There will be a re-introduction of style and repetitiveness the first month or two of class to make sure everyone is on the same page. If you drop a class, you must contact the Office Manager to stop charges being added to your account.